A step toward anti-racism and anti-discrimination
Micro-aggression training for physicians launches

Over the past few months, the AMA, the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta and Alberta Health Services have collaborated on a new online training course for Alberta’s physicians on micro-aggressions.
The course launched on June 14 and is available to all regulated members through the myCPSA virtual learning platform

Why focus on micro-aggressions?
Micro-aggressions are everyday verbal and non-verbal slights, snubs or insults, communicating hostile, derogatory or negative messages towards others. Even if unintentional, micro-aggressions cause harm to those who experience them, as they contribute to unwelcoming environments and can reinforce stereotypes.
Becoming an active participant in change
The new course will help physicians better understand what micro-aggressions are, how to recognize them, why they are harmful and how to respond. Accreditation is in progress for this course, but physicians can currently claim credits for non-accredited learning from their national colleges.
Looking ahead
The AMA, CPSA and AHS will continue to work together to identify future learning opportunities for physicians on this topic.
If you have any questions, please contact info@cpsa.ab.ca.

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