New ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration clinic opens in Red Deer
Alberta Precision Laboratories is pleased to announce that they are offering a new ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration (FNA) outpatient clinic at the Red Deer Regional Hospital.
The clinic opened on January 1 and operates bi-weekly on Mondays from 12 - 4 p.m. This is a new service offered to all Central Zone physicians and patients to assist with wait times in the region -  especially for thyroid FNAs.
Using ultrasound guidance, FNA can be performed on superficial palpable and non-palpable lesions up to 3 cm deep. Clinicians just need to complete the FNA Clinic Patient Referral form
There is a chance that the patient may not meet criteria set out and will be rejected. Such examples include, not providing all the necessary information on the referral form or if the lesion is deemed too deep (>3cm) or is located too close to critical anatomical structures. If the patient has two no-shows, they will be discharged from the clinic and a new referral will need to be made. 

If you have any questions, please contact: 

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