Updates from Alberta Health Services
Active health advisories As part of AHS’ commitment to the health and safety of Albertans, AHS releases health advisories related to air quality, cyanobacteria (blue-green algae), heat, boil water, federal notices, wildfire and flood resources and safety information, food safety news, COVID-19 information, environmental public health orders, public health travel notices and health enforcement notices.
Document and results routing optimization on January 27, 2025: Reduced duplication and improved electronic delivery of clinical information On January 27 AHS implemented a change to improve the electronic delivery (“eDelivery”) of clinical documents and results from Connect Care to electronic medical records (EMRs) in clinics and medical offices. This change resolves most of the duplication that community providers (including those who also work within AHS) have experienced since the launch of Connect Care. This change will also expand eDelivery to send more letters to EMRs and ensure clinical information is more consistently delivered to providers based on the preferences they’ve provided. Routing will take into account provider-patient associations in the care team in Connect Care, as well as the preferences of providers. For mixed-context providers (providers who work in Connect Care at both AHS and in the community), in most cases, results will go to InBasket only if their primary address is an AHS location. All providers who have eDelivery, regardless of where they work, are encouraged to contact AHS Service Desk at 1-877-311-4300 if you have not received clinical documents and results as expected. For support, please call the AHS Service Desk at 1-877-311-4300. For more information: Mobile mammography service to visit central and northern Alberta A mobile mammography trailer will be stationed at: - Rocky Mountain House Health Centre, 5016 52 Ave., Jan. 31 - Feb. 9
- Drumheller Health Centre, 351 9 St North., Feb. 10 - 14, and Feb. 18 - 24
Screening is available at no cost for eligible individuals, but appointments are required. Call 1-800-667-0604 to book an appointment or learn more about the program. The following item is for Edmonton Zone Only: Edmonton Zone gastroenterology central access and triage (EZ GI CAT) officially launched As of January 22, Edmonton Zone Gastroenterology Central Access and Triage (EZ GI CAT) is now the only point of access to refer patients in the Edmonton Zone who need to see a gastroenterologist or require colorectal screening (including SCOPE program). One centralized intake for the Edmonton Zone will reduce care delays related to referral management and triage and improve patient care through referral quality and pathway integration. Updated program information is available at www.ahs.ca/ezgicat. How to refer to the new EZ GI CAT A reminder to referring providers: - Continue to use RAAPID for urgent referrals.
- Specialist advice outside of EZ GI CAT continues to be available through eReferral or ConnectMD at 1-844-633-2263.
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